/His name is George. and he will love him and squeeze him and call him george.
I finally made the littlest little's bunny, using Kate Gilbert's Bunny pattern (rav link, thanks for the suggestion Judy!).
It's super cute. His name is George, as all bunnies are named George in this family. The little one likes him, and screamed "BUN BUN BUN!!" when he saw him so all is good.
Partially knit, missing an ear and a third dimension.
However, I do have a few quibbles about the pattern.
The first quibble has nothing to do with how the pattern is written: I just like to do everything in the round, because I am lazy and hate seaming. But since this pattern was written for knitting flat and seaming, I knit it flat and seamed it. I don't think I'd knit it flat again, because to me, there's very little reason to do so. And I mean, I TOTALLY GET why it's written flat. It's way way way easier to write a pattern for a stuffed animal flat or in pieces, because they're weird and fiddly and it's hard to explain in words and whatnot. But other than the arms, which I think I might tweak with short rows or something of that ilk, the rest can be pretty easily translated to in the round.
finished, seamed, but unstuffed. like a plushie skin.
The second quibble I have is that I suspect I found an error in the stitch counts for the size I made (Papa Bun), once you get to the head and ears section. It threw me off as I was knitting it, because I was out and about, working along, got to the ears, realized that something was off, and had to rip out an ear to fix it. Annoying, but fine. It was an easy tweak for me to adjust to, but something that would completely throw off a less experienced knitter.
And of course, because I was out and about, my first thought was "shit, I missed a row or two". But nope. I double checked and I didn't. Then after the kiddos went to bed, I sat down with pencil and paper and charted out the increases/decreases row by row and sure enough, there it was again. So at least I'm not completely crazy.
I did email the designer with my notes, and hopefully it's an easy adjustment on her end with some errata or something.
I was going to make a second one, and still might (in the round, natch), or I might just go rogue and do a totally different pattern. Maybe Henry's Bunny (rav link)?