Wow, I am truly a slacker

I haven't posted since February?  And now it's end of May (and brutally hot out to boot)?  SLAAAAACKER. I guess technically I've been doing other things, just not here, exactly.  But still. I need to get into the habit a bit more.

Anyway, want to see what I've made recently? I've got some knitting on the needles that I really need to finish up, but have been doing some bigger weaving projects.  If you follow me on instagram, you've seen these all before.  And I finally figured out how best to photograph them, so you can see in reverse order, the improvement in the quality of pictures. 

Oh, and did I bury the lede there?  I'm taking commissions! If you are interested in a hanging, shoot me a note and let's chat.


A commissioned weave of about 20" across.  The mister took one look and said "I LOVE the Elsa braid in the fringe!"


a commission that just went to its new home.  They'd requested a palette similar to the following weave.

this one really needs its own blog post.  For the school auction, as a classroom project, I went into the classroom and each 2nd grader dyed his or her own mini skein of yarn with food coloring and kool-aid dyes, and then I wove all their yarns into a large (30" across! prob 45" long with the fringe?) tapestry. 

8" round weave, done with the leftovers from the big one for the school auction.  This one I gave to the teacher for the classroom to have.

all roving little weave, maybe 10x8?

this one I made a while ago.  But he sure is cute, no? We are being mean queens here.